How do we learn? In a new series of blogs I am going to
explore the science and methods of learning. I have long had a keen interest in
learning methods and this has become of increasing interest to me due to in my
involvement within Insight Arcade.
Early learning theorists surmised that learning was largely
‘cause and effect’; one of those key theories, ‘Operant’ learning, placed an
emphasis on reward and punishment as a way to modify behaviour. I’ve direct
experience of using this method as I was formerly a physical training
instructor in the Territorial Army (now re branded the ‘Army Reserves’). I had
at my disposal, the means, to dish out timely and instant punishment in the
forms of additional physical exercise - not something most people relish! Was
this an effective learning instrument? It kept recruits in line but it only
ever really guaranteed that those people who were punished would do what was
required not to be punished. It
didn’t exactly engender top performance or a personal commitment to physical
fitness. In fact I found too much punishment damaged performance by turning
recruits off the idea of exercise.
However the flip side of punishment was ‘reward’
and I found positive reinforcement toward recruits was more effective. For
example if I praised a recruit for doing well after noticing an improvement, I
found this reinforced good behaviour and was likely to help motivate the
individual. It also made the recruits less fearful of me, which as their
instructor, was important. Fundamentally though I found that only those who
really wanted to take part in my classes and who wanted to be fit, got the most
out of it – no matter how much I praised or criticised.
What do the principles of Operant learning mean for those of
us concerned with learning within organisations? On a day to day basis it tells
us that operant conditioning has at least some importance in terms of shaping
the behaviours of our workforce. Behavioural reinforcement – particularly positive
– is an important part of the suite of skills required for coaching
individuals. However as a principle by which to embed a culture of ‘deep
learning’ and to drive the sort of innovative change many organisations now
seek, I’d suggest it is only a small part of the total equation.
I'm interested in asking people's opinions; how much do people think Operant learning is still used as a principle of learning within organisations?